Japanese Magazines — Tastemaker’s Delight

Japanese Magazines — Tastemaker’s Delight

by The New Room




Whether it’s design, fashion, or media, there is an undeniable Japanese influence in today’s culture.

The recent rise of Nike Dunks and the 2000s street culture have brought our attention to Japanese creators.

But even long before that Japanese culture has left its footprint, which leaves the question: how these trends are discovered and popularised?


Magazines have played a major role in the history of Japanese fashion and pop culture.

The still rising popularity of manga and anime is undoubtedly due to the beloved Shonen Jump. And Lightning shows the appreciation for heritage products they deserve.




In the worlds of lifestyle, streetwear, and culture new issues of long-running publications like PopeyeBrutus, and Eyescream cover current trends and even more publications for specialized interests, like Shotenkenchiku for interior and commercial architecture or Go Out for everything camping, lifestyle, and outdoor fashion, supply readers with the most recent go-to’s, garments and gadgets.




Today’s tastemakers, whether it’s musicians, artists, bloggers, or other celebrities, draw inspiration from all these sources and are then again featured in articles, spreading the word to each other and their audiences all over the world.